Matthew Horton

Matthew Horton Introduction.png

Matthew Horton is not only cofounder of foundU, he is a really down to earth guy that is passionate about his industry and his clients.

His decision to pursue a goal of building from the ground up a world class end-to-end tech solution for labour force management has lead him on a wild journey.  Matthew’s journey began about three years ago when the founders of foundU saw a problem they all agreed needed to be  solved, and their journey since has been quite remarkable. This episode touches on:

  • The importance of loyalty and trust;
  • Making money as a startup and staying sane at the same time;
  • Being grateful;
  • Taking time out with the family; and
  • The benefits of having a development team in house.

Like me, Matthew is a firm believer in not compromising on the quality of client service while remembering not to take yourself too seriously.  Plenty of gems in this Executive Story for everyone.